Happy New Year

Hello 2024

2024 is here! 🎉

I’m thrilled to kick off the new year in one of my favorite cities in the world, Las Vegas!
There’s something about being a part of the crowd and watching the fireworks above the hotels that makes this experience amazing.
Excited to share with you that there are several projects that my team and I will be releasing this year from new music, video content and more!
My music producers and I have been in the recording studio working on songs that have a variety of themes.

I recently collaborated with a NYC-based songwriter, Santiago, who’s very talented and has been a pivotal part of one of the pop songs we’ll be releasing this year.
For one of my upcoming visuals, my choreographer Kyle and I wanted to include more dancers and take the choreography to the next level. We’ve spent hours in dance rehearsals and can’t wait to all be back on stage together.
As always, thank you to the many supporters on social media and around the world who continue to send uplifting messages, support my creative endeavors, and stream my music.
Wishing you the best this year!


Thomas Orlina